
Showing posts from November, 2018

Face Your Fears and Create the Change You Desire in Your Life

Things don't shift by chance they shift by change and it takes a habit to replace a habit. The research says it takes about twenty-one days to really get a new habit ingrained into your life. If you're feeling like you need to make some ships in your life or in your business, pick one habit to pick one thing start there and put it in place sometimes we take too many things on at a time and then it gets too scary and we get caught up with fear. If you can manage to make little shifts little changes throughout the big change that you're really looking for, it's a little bit more manageable and you have control over what you take on. Comfort is the number one enemy of achievement. The tough things in life don't happen to you they happen for you they help you really understand how strong you are. It helps you be compassionate to other people when they're going through a tough time. Everything that you want is on the other side of fear. Face your fears now and s...

5 Keys to Keep Customers Coming Back

Your customers are always evaluating you and rating you! Sandra Yancey, Success Coach Dallas TX and CNN American Hero, shares the secret on how to get a straight report card every single time that keep your customers coming back for more. 1. Appreciate: That's right! Appreciate your customers. Don't just think about it do something. Don't just tell them show them right! This is the time for you to stand out. We are not talking about the typical times when everybody is sending a holiday card! Track when you first got your client and send them a happy anniversary just to appreciate them and tell them how much you've loved working with them. 2. Admit: The truth of the matter is we all are going to make mistakes! Admit your mistakes. It's important that you owe them and apologize and get the things fixed. Do whatever you need to do to let that person know that not only are you sorry but maybe here's a little extra bonus and it will never happen again. ...

4 Steps to Achieve Your Business Goals

Do you know what your business goals are and how will you progress to achieve your business goals? If you're scratching your head, you highly need a clear picture of your what you exactly want to achieve. You need to make a more strategic approach for your business to grow by setting realistic and measurable goals, planning for obstacles, preparing for change and thus, having a defined purpose for your business.  SMART goal setting is one of the most commonly used strategies by entrepreneurs and business owners to accomplish their goals consistently.  Here is the  SMART model of goal setting:  S = Specific M = Measurable A = Achievable R = Relevant T = Time-bounded Once you have set your goals according to this model, you need to work on achieving these goals. Read the blog " How to Achieve Business Goals " as Sandra Yancey, CNN American Hero and Life and Business Transformation Specialist , shares 4 steps to achieve your busin...

Grab Your Favorite Beverage to Sip on and Join Sandra Yancey!

Join Life and Business Transformation Specialist , Sandra Yancey for Sip, Tip & Talk on November 19, 2018, at 2:30pm EST, 1:30pm CST and 11:30am PST. Catch up CNN American Hero as she will answer all your questions and get advice. Here's some "aha's" you'll walk away on Sip, Tip & Talk with Sandra Yancey! Do you feel that building a large email list is antiquated? What is the latest replacement for a large email list? How do you balance visibility and celebrity with being introverted and needing time to recharge? What's the very 1st step in starting a business? How do you keep relationships true and not surface level? Register for the webinar at Visit the Website at

Listen To Your Heart

Going after your real dreams in life is not for the faint at heart and it takes a lot of guts and bravery to actually do it.  Many of us spend a lot of time doing the risk analysis of what are the chances of us really being able to monetize and what's that thing we are going after! Many people around you will have their own opinions but never forget to listen to your heart. Your heart has a language that your mind simply doesn't understand and sooner or later you have to decide whether you're gonna go for it or not. In this journey, you might have to distance yourself from some people and have to stop hanging around people that don't support you because you can't build a million-dollar dream hanging around minimum wage mindsets. You have to find your tribe of dreamers that will help you get through in tough times. Follow Sandra Yancey: Website : Facebook : Youtube :

Attract Ideal clients and Grow Your Business

As successful entrepreneurs and business owners, you've been through the struggle of trying to attract the ideal clients to grow your business. Your business plan might include sell high-value services, acquire more clients, or ship more products etc. It's hard to figure out what works the best for you and your unique business. The steady stream of new customers is the key to grow your business. Even if you have a well-established business, there's always a scope to take your business to the next level. CNN American Hero , Sandra Yancey shares tips to grow a successful business. Read the blog " How to Attract New Customers " to know more. 

Tips With Sandra Yancey- Trust

Have you ever been at a networking event and you're talking to someone and they're doing everything but looking above you or around you or looking at someone else as if you're not important? Here is CNN American Hero , Sandra Yancey's networking tips: You need to have trust that everyone you meet is the exact person you're supposed to meet Make them feel like they're the only one in the room and stay focused Look straight into their eye and stay with them  Networking is all about Serving and serving at its best is when you help someone who actually can never pay you back. For more networking tips, Follow Sandra Yancey at: Youtube: Website: Facebook: Twitter: