5 Keys to Keep Customers Coming Back

Your customers are always evaluating you and rating you! Sandra Yancey, Success Coach Dallas TX and CNN American Hero, shares the secret on how to get a straight report card every single time that keep your customers coming back for more.

1. Appreciate: That's right! Appreciate your customers. Don't just think about it do something. Don't just tell them show them right! This is the time for you to stand out. We are not talking about the typical times when everybody is sending a holiday card! Track when you first got your client and send them a happy anniversary just to appreciate them and tell them how much you've loved working with them.

2. Admit: The truth of the matter is we all are going to make mistakes! Admit your mistakes. It's important that you owe them and apologize and get the things fixed. Do whatever you need to do to let that person know that not only are you sorry but maybe here's a little extra bonus and it will never happen again.

3. Acquire: Acquire advocates! Your next customer can possibly come from a non-customer so when you are acquiring advocates and ambassadors, people are hearing about you and they're likely to talk about you. Your referrals could very well be from someone hearing about you one to three times saying that somebody I need to know for taking action!

4. Action: Be bold honor your brilliance and be the first to market. If you don't fully believe in yourself why should anybody else believe in you? Don't just think about it, be about it, don't just talk about it, do it,  get in and play!

5. Assume: Assume the position people want to be led. They want to be associated with the leaders so you have to do what leaders do. And that is they're persistent and they're consistent and that's not only in your actions but that's in your message

Follow Sandra Yancey and feed your mind, body and spirit with Transformational business insights, strategies and proven formula for success!

Website: https://sandrayancey.com
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