Know About Mindful Leadership from Leadership Coach Dallas Tx

Some of the largest companies in the world, such as Google, have been taking notice to the importance of mindful leadership and have even implemented leadership programs around this topic. There are several positive impacts of mindful leadership including:
  • Increased Productivity
  • Reduced Stress Levels
  • Increase in Listening
  • Enhanced Decision Making Skills
People generally assume that entrepreneurs and leaders are adept to overcome the roadblocks and stressors of everyday life, but the reality is, they face a different kind of stress which can be really challenging to manage. Being mindful of your stressors and the stressors of your team allow you to raise your consciousness and implement systems and processes along with discipline and lots of patience to overcome stressful situations smoothly.

Below are five positive traits that mindful leaders exhibit which create a positive impact and enhances the lives and careers of their employees.
Read here... Mindful Leader Dallas TX

-Sandra Yancey
CNN American Hero
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